Hello ,
this website is provided for free for any shambhala center or group worldwide.
- it integrates fully with the SDB (event list , center info etc… coming from the SDB)
- Easy registration with Shambhala Account (no need to fill the form for users and no need to process the incoming registration for the administrator)
- Create pages visible to members only,
- Multilingual WP admin interface (set to your center language) & multilingual front end (registrations, event info etc…)
- Archives and study material embedded when authenticating (see here) . The user can see all past programs attendance , registration information (pay more link), visualize auto-responder emails. For each program , you can add via the SDB, audio , video and text files that are visible only to people who have attended the program.
- See all past programs that happened in your center since today (in the Library).
- Set up in the SDB open staff positions (MI , cook , finance , coordinator, ROTAs etc…) and let people sign-up themselves with their Shambhala Account here. One can only sign up for position in one owns center or affiliated center.
- it is responsive (works on smart phones , tablets and google glasses ?)
- You can hide events from your listing that have pre-requisites. If the person logs in , then only allowed programs are shows and registration permitted.
- A few widget using the SDB information are available : Show center near you (based on your IP address , the widget shows you a list of centers sorted by proximity), Show next featured program near you (based on IP address)
- Create a Shambhala account or recover your password from your local website with this page
- When someone register for a program using their Shambhala Account , it goes directly into the SDB. No need for the local SDB admin to process the registration.
- Create a subset of your event list (calendar) within a page (after some content for instance) with the shortcode [ sdb_programs cat=XX limit=XX ] (see shortcode pages for examples )
- Subscribe and unsubscribe pages for local newsletter like here
- See all past emails send to you from the SDB (no more need to worry about not having received a message because it is considered as spam) like here
- Paste in Facebook the URL of an event . it will display elegantly in your facebook profile . example : paste this URL http://paris2.shambhala.fr/calendar-details/?id=238012
- Page with infos about your center with list of MI, teacher, staff etc… like here
- Modify your Shambhala Account password and username here
- Modify your profile here . (Under construction)
Here are a few websites already running with the WordPress EU install.