List of events shortcodes



To generate a listing of your events a bit like in the calendar page
use the following shortcode:
[ sdb_programs ]

By adding different parameters you can select what you want to display.


Here are the parameters you can add to your shortcode:

  • Id (one or more in the form 234-235-235 will display event id 234 and 235 and 236. If you don’t specify , no specific event id will be displayed.
  • cat = filter a specific category (use ID of category) If you don’t specify it will display all categories
  • limit = display only X number of event
  • location = display events not in your center ( put ID of center as location). if you don’t speficy it will display events from your website center
  • public=0 will display events that are not restricted. public=1 will display only restricted events .  If you don’t specify , it will show both
  • room : show only events happening in a specific room (you will need to get the room ID first in the SDB)
  • code : show only events based on the code(s) given (list of codes can be found here)



To display the next 3 events from category 2 (list of categories) in any center worldwide
use the following shortcode:

[ sdb_programs cat=2 limit=3 ]

Centre: Dechen Chöling
Date: Friday 7 June 2024 16:00 - 23 June 00:00
Teachers: Tessa Racine & David Hope

Join us for a two-week group meditation retreat of mindfulness-awareness practice in the serenity of our magnificent natural surroundings. All experience levels are welcome. This program satisfies Shambhala levels 1-3, and/or a half-dathun.


Centre: Dechen Chöling
Date: Friday 7 June 2024 16:00 - 15 June 00:00
Teachers: Tessa Racine & David Hope

Register here if you would like to join this group meditation retreat for the first week only. Open to all.


Centre: Dechen Chöling
Date: Friday 14 June 2024 16:00 - 23 June 00:00
Teachers: Tessa Racine & David Hope

Register here if you would like to join this group meditation retreat for the second week only. Meditation experience required.




List of events with code L01 to L05 (Level one to five) happening in Cologne (ID 75) . The list of code can be found here 


use the following shortcode:

[ sdb_programs code=L01-L02-L03-L04-L05 location=75 ] (see result below )

Date: Friday 7 June 2024 19:00 - 9 June 18:00
Teacher: Anne Von der Eltz

"Wir verstehen hier unter Meditation etwas sehr Grundlegendes und Einfaches, das an keine bestimmte Kultur gebunden ist: auf dem Boden sitzen eine gute Haltung einnehmen und ein Gefühl für unserer Platz in der Welt entwickeln." Trungpa Rinpoche


Date: Friday 30 August 2024 19:00 - 1 September 18:00
Teacher: Dorothea Gädeke

"Beim stillen Sitzen, indem du dem Atem folgst, wie er ausströmt und verfliegt, stellst du eine Verbindung zu deinem Herzen her. Du lässt dich einfach sein, wie du bist, und daraus erwächst eine echte Sympathie für dich selbst". Chögyam Trungpa


Date: Friday 27 September 2024 19:00 - 29 September 18:00
Teacher: Ivan Tröscher

"Wir verstehen hier unter Meditation etwas sehr Grundlegendes und Einfaches, das an keine bestimmte Kultur gebunden ist: auf dem Boden sitzen eine gute Haltung einnehmen und ein Gefühl für unserer Platz in der Welt entwickeln." Trungpa Rinpoche


Date: Friday 15 November 2024 19:00 - 17 November 18:00
Teacher: Barbara Märtens

Erfahren Sie unbedingtes Vertrauen in das, was ist.


Date: Friday 22 November 2024 19:15 - 24 November 18:00
Teacher: Dennis Engel

Durch die Entdeckung der Furchtlosigkeit weist die Vision von Shambhala einen Weg aus inneren und äußeren Konflikten.




If you want to show an event with a specific ID (ID is found in the SDB) do the following:


To display both event ID  24619 and event ID 18622
use the following shortcode:

[ sdb_programs id=24619-18622 ] (see result below )

Sorry no programs at this moment



Show next 2 Shambhala Online (ID 5) events with [ sdb_programs  location=5 limit=2 ]

Date: Saturday 28 January 2023 -

Welcome! This online course is designed to offer new and renewing Meditation Instructors an excellent ground for developing competence, compassion and courage. The course features a dynamic mix of live sessions, recorded talks and print materials. It is


Date: Saturday 14 October 2023 13:00 - 8 June 15:00
Teacher: Khenpo Gawang

During this in-depth course on foundational Buddhist teachings, Khenpo Gawang will guide participants through his book, "Your Mind Is Your Teacher."




Show next 2 events happening in room 43 (Big shrine room in Amsterdam center ) with [ sdb_programs room=43 limit=2 ] (you can add more then one room like room=43-44 would display events in room 43 and 44)

Sorry no programs at this moment


Show next 2 events in your center NOT happening in room 43 and 44 with [ sdb_programs location=366 not-room=43-44 limit=2 ]

Sorry no programs at this moment